Futuristic Art Submission Period Extended

May 17, 2011

The submission period for queer, futuristic artwork for the July 2011 issue of Collective Fallout has been extended until May 31.  We are accepting submission for the cover; blak & white images may also be considered for the interior (though we do not normally publish interior art).  The “Futuristic” theme of the issue includes sci-fi, slternate history, steampunk, etc.  The following is pasted from our Submission Guidelines page:

Art and Photography submissions must contain queer imagery and fulfill one or more of the following requirements: 1) be related in some way to the accepted fiction genres; 2) be of surrealist, dada, or similar style.  Only one or two full-color images will be printed per issue on its covers.  No other images will be published.  Cover submissions should be submitted digitally via email as an attachment (JPG or GIF) at a maximum of 500 x 500 pixels. Upon acceptance, higher quality images will be requested.

The queer focus of this magazine is on the Art, not the Artist.  So long as the work is queer (and speculative), the sexual orientation and/or identity of the artist is irrelevant.  Likewise, if the work is not queer, the sexual orientation and/or identity of the artist is equally irrelevant.